Regulations of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Improving Business Environment
目 录
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第二章 市场主体
Chapter II Market Entities
第三章 政务服务
Chapter III Government Services
第四章 经营环境
Chapter IV Business Environment
第五章 融资便利
Chapter V Financing Facilitation
第六章 规范监管
Chapter VI Standardized Supervision
第七章 权益保障
Chapter VII Rights Protection
第八章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Legal Liability
第九章 附则
Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions
第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为了持续优化营商环境,激发市场主体活力,促进经 济高质量发展,加快建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区,根据有关 法律、行政法规的基本原则,结合深圳经济特区实际,制定本条例。
Article 1 The Regulations is formulated in line with the basic principles stipulated in relevant laws and administrative regulations and in light of the reality of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, with a view to continuously improving the business environment, energizing market entities, driving high-quality economic development, and accelerating the construction of a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
第二条 深圳经济特区优化营商环境工作适用本条例。
Article 2 The Regulations applies to the work related to improving business environment in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
第三条 坚持市场化、法治化、国际化原则,以市场主体需求 为导向,为各类市场主体营造稳定、公平、透明、可预期的营商环境。
Article 3 The business environment shall be improved by following a market-oriented, law-based approach and benchmarking againstinternational best practices and being guided by the needs of market entities, so as to make it stable, fair, transparent and predictable for all kinds of market entities.
第四条 依法平等保护各种所有制市场主体的合法权益,促进 要素流动自主有序、配置高效公平,保障各类市场主体公平参与市场竞争。
Article 4 The legitimate rights and interests of market entities under all types of ownership shall be equally protected in accordance with the law. The free and orderly flow of factors shall be promoted, their allocation be efficient and equitable, and the fair participation of various market entities in market competition be guaranteed.
第五条 市、区人民政府应当加强优化营商环境工作的组织领导,统筹推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革,完善优化营商 环境的政策措施,主动积极协调、解决优化营商环境工作中的重大 问题。
Article 5 The municipal and district people's governments shall strengthen the organization and leadership of improving business environment, make systematic efforts in the reform of streamlining administration and delegating power, strengthening regulation and improving services, refine the policies and measures for improving the business environment, and actively coordinate and solve the major problems in the work of bettering the business environment.
市发展改革部门是优化营商环境工作的主管部门,负责督促、 协调、推进优化营商环境工作,组织开展营商环境评价和监督管理工作。
The development and reform departments at municipal level are the competent departments for improving business environment, which are responsible for supervising, coordinating and promoting the improvement of the business environment, and organizing the evaluation, supervision and management of the business environment.
市、区人民政府相关部门和有关驻深单位按照各自职责开展优 化营商环境相关工作。
Relevant departments of the municipal and district people's governments and relevant agencies based in Shenzhen shall fulfill their respective duties in improving the business environment.
第六条 市、区人民政府应当健全优化营商环境工作激励机制, 将优化营商环境工作纳入政府绩效考核体系,完善考核标准,对工 作成效显著的部门和单位按照规定给予表彰,对不作为、乱作为延 误工作的部门和单位予以问责。
Article 6 The municipal and district people's governments shall refine the incentive mechanism for improving the business environment, incorporate corresponding work performance into the government performance appraisal system, and perfect the appraisal standard, so as to commend the departments and agencies with outstanding workperformance in accordance with relevant rules, and hold accountable those that do not act, act irresponsibly and delay the work.
市、区人民政府及其相关部门应当通过专项督察、日常督导、 社会公众监督等方式加强对优化营商环境工作的监督检查。
The municipal and district people's governments and relevant departments shall strengthen the supervision and inspection over the improvement of the business environment in such forms as special supervision, routine supervision and public supervision.
第七条 市人民政府应当建立全市统一的市场主体服务平台, 统筹协调市、区、街道相关部门以及行业协会、公用事业服务单位等为市场主体提供相关服务。
Article 7 The municipal people's government shall establish a citywide unified service platform for market entities, and make an overall plan to coordinate with the relevant departments at municipal, district and sub-district levels, as well as trade associations, public utility service agencies and others to provide relevant services for market entities.
第八条 健全政企沟通机制,构建亲清政商关系,采取多种方 式及时听取市场主体的意见和诉求,保障市场主体正常开展生产经 营活动。
Article 8 Shenzhen shall establish a communication mechanism between the government and enterprises, where the government shall,through various methods, listen to the opinions and requests of market entities in a timely manner to ensure their normal production and operation. A cordial and clean relationship between government and business shall be established.
第九条 每年11月1日为深圳企业家日,共同营造企业家健康 成长环境,激发和弘扬优秀企业家精神,更好地发挥企业家作用。
Article 9 The Entrepreneurs' Day is celebrated in Shenzhen on November 1 every year to jointly create a healthy environment for the growth of entrepreneurs, stimulate and carry forward outstanding entrepreneurial spirit, and give better play to the role of entrepreneurs.
第十条 加强粤港澳大湾区优化营商环境工作交流合作,协同 推进提升粤港澳大湾区营商环境整体水平。 Article 10 Shenzhen shall strengthen exchange and cooperation with other parts of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area ("GBA") in improving the business environment, and jointly better the overall business environment in the GBA.
第二章 市场主体
Chapter II Market Entities
第十一条 实行市场准入负面清单制度。负面清单以外的领域, 各类市场主体均可以依法平等进入。市、区人民政府及其相关部门 不得自行制定市场准入性质的负面清单。
Article 11 The negative list system for market access shall be implemented. All kinds of market entities can, equally and according to the law, enter fields outside of the negative list. The municipal and district people's governments and relevant departments shall not formulate any negative list for market access without authorization.
第十二条 实行外商投资准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度。 外商投资准入负面清单以外的领域,按照内外资一致的原则管理。
Article 12 The system for foreign investment management based on pre-entry national treatment and negative list shall be implemented. Foreign investment into fields outside the negative list shall be managed in accordance with the principle of treating domestic investment and foreign investment equally.
第十三条 支持符合条件的外资金融机构在深圳设立证券公司 和基金管理公司。
Article 13 Eligible foreign financial institutions are permitted to set up securities companies and fund management companies in Shenzhen.
第十四条 允许具有国际通行资质资格的金融、税务、建筑、 规划等境外专业机构和专业人才按照规定在深圳提供专业服务;放宽境外人员参加各类职业资格考试的限制。
Article 14 Overseas professional institutions and professionals with internationally accepted qualifications in finance, taxation, construction and planning are allowed to provide professional services in Shenzhenpursuant to relevant regulations. Restrictions on the participation of overseas personnel in various vocational qualification examinations shall be relaxed.
第十五条 深化商事登记制度改革,探索推行商事登记行政确 认制,优化服务流程,创新服务方式。
Article 15 The reform of the commercial registration system shall be deepened by exploring the commercial registration via administrative confirmation system, improving the service process and innovating the service models.
充分应用网上服务资源,实行市场主体开办事项一网通办,推 广应用电子证照、电子签名,加强信息共享,提高商事登记便利化水平。
In addition, commercial registration shall be facilitated by making full use of online service resources, enabling market entities to go through establishment registration procedures on the "one-stop online government services" platform, promoting the use of electronic licenses and certificates and electronic signatures, and stepping up information sharing.
第十六条 公安、税务、社保和海关等部门应当整合设立登记、 印章制作、发票申领、社保登记等各类市场主体开办事项,推动涉 证照业务与营业执照多证合一。
Article 16 The departments like public security, taxation, social security and customs shall consolidate all kinds of matters related to establishment of all market entities, such as establishment registration, official chops, invoice application and social insurance registration, and promote the integration of multiple certifications and licenses into one consolidated business license.
第十七条 推动市场主体年度报告涉及社保、市场监管、税务、 海关等事项的“多报合一”制度。市场主体提交的年度报告涉及政府 各相关部门已有的信息,政府各相关部门应当共享,市场主体无需重复提交。
Article 17 Shenzhen shall promote the implementation of the "integration of multiple reports into one" system for annual report required to be submitted by market entities to the departments of social security, market supervision, taxation and customs. The market entities shall not be required to submit the annual report repeatedly that presents the information already disclosed to any relevant government department, which shall be shared among all relevant government departments.
第十八条 完善职业技能等级认定制度,推动由企业和相关社 会组织开展职业技能等级认定工作。
Article 18 The vocational skills rating system shall be refined by promoting vocational skills rating by enterprises and relevant social organizations.
第十九条 废除妨碍统一市场与公平竞争的各项规定。除法律、 行政法规另有规定外,不得对不同所有制市场主体实施歧视性的行 业准入、资质标准、产业促进、政府采购、招标投标、公用事业服 务等措施。
Article 19 All regulations that impede the promotion of a unified market and fair competition shall be abolished. Unless otherwise provided for by laws and administrative regulations, no discriminatory conditions for market access, qualification, industrial promotion, government procurement, bidding and tendering, public utility services and more shall be set for market entities under different types of ownership.
第二十条 市、区人民政府及其相关部门组织实施科技创新、 成果转化、技术改造等项目,应当平等对待各种所有制市场主体。
Article 20 When the municipal and district people's governments and relevant departments organize and implement projects like scientific and technological innovation, commercialization of achievements and technological transformation, they shall treat market entities under all types of ownership on an equal footing.
第二十一条 行政机关与市场主体签订的合同、协议不得订立 显失公平条款,合同双方的权利义务应当平等,不得规定单方面的 违约责任。
Article 21 The contracts or agreements between administrative organs and market entities shall not contain any unfair clauses, shall specify equivalent rights and obligations for both parties, and shall not stipulate unilateral liability for breach of contract.
第二十二条 保障各类市场主体平等参与政府采购和政府投资 工程招投标竞争,不得实施下列行为排斥潜在投标人:
Article 22 All kinds of market entities shall be treated equally in the tendering and bidding for government-funded projects and government procurement. The following acts for the purpose excluding potential bidders shall not be carried out:
(I) determining the list of suppliers in advance;
(II) establishing a list of pre-selected suppliers;
(III) determining the bid winner or successful supplier by random methods such as lottery or lot drawing;
(IV) setting unnecessary conditions beyond the procurement purpose, such as qualification, scale, and place of incorporation.
第二十三条 支持人民法院探索建立重整识别、预重整等破产 拯救机制,推动建立市场主体重整费用保障基金,完善不良资产处 置平台,为有市场价值的市场主体扩大投融资渠道,加速不良资产 处置,实现破产财产价值最大化,降低债务重组成本。
Article 23 The people's courts shall be supported in exploring the establishment of bankruptcy rescue mechanisms such as reorganization recognition and pre-reorganization, promote the establishment of cost guarantee fund for reorganization of market entities, perfect the non- performing assets disposal platform, expand investment and financing channels for market entities with high market value, accelerate the non- performing assets disposal, maximize the value of the bankruptcy estate, and decrease the cost of debt restructuring.
市场主体因重整取得的收入,依照法律、法规和相关政策规定 处理。应当减免税费的,由相关机关依法予以减免。
The revenue obtained by market entities as a result of reorganization shall be subject to laws, regulations and relevant policies. The tax authority shall, according to law, reduce or exempt taxes on such revenue.
相关部门和单位应当依法及时解除对重整债务人或者重整企业 法定代表人的行为限制措施和非正常户认定,及时修复其信用信息并且将其从经营异常名录或者严重违法企业名单中移除。
The relevant departments and agencies shall promptly lift the behavioral restrictions on the restructured debtors or the legal representatives of the restructured enterprises, and remove their abnormal account status, promptly repair their bad credit records, and remove them from the list of abnormal operations or the list of enterprises that seriously violate the law.
第二十四条 依法实行个人破产制度。在深圳经济特区居住, 且参加深圳社会保险连续满三年的自然人,因生产经营、生活消费 导致丧失清偿债务能力或者资产不足以清偿全部债务的,可以申请 破产清算、重整或者和解。
Article 24 The personal bankruptcy system shall be implemented in accordance with the law. Any natural person who has resided in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and has contributed to local social security fund for at least three consecutive years may apply for bankruptcy liquidation, reorganization or settlement if he/she loses the ability to pay off debts or his/her assets are insufficient to pay off all debts due to production, business operation or daily consumption.
第二十五条 建立市场主体注销网上服务平台。实现市场主体 注销全流程网上办理,并联办理社保、税务、商务、海关等市场主 体注销业务。
Article 25 An online service platform for deregistration of market entities shall be established. Market entities can complete all procedures for deregistration through the online platform, together with the matters regarding social security, taxation, commerce and customs.
市场主体在申请注销登记前已将债权债务清算完结或者未发生 过债权债务关系的,可以适用简易注销程序。
The expedited deregistration procedures may apply to market entities that have completed the liquidation of its claims and debts or have not incurred claims and debts prior to applying for deregistration.
第二十六条 依法实行市场主体除名和依职权注销制度,对符合条件的市场主体,商事登记机关可以将其除名或者作出依职权注销决定。
Article 26 The removal and ex officio deregistration system for market entities shall be implemented in accordance with the law. The commercial registration authority may remove or make decision ex officio to deregister market entities that are under the circumstances expressly defined.
第二十七条 市场主体应当遵守法律、法规和相关政策规定, 恪守社会公德和商业道德,诚实守信、公平竞争、合规经营,在国 际经济贸易活动中遵守当地法律,遵循国际通行规则。
Article 27 Market entities shall abide by the laws and regulations and relevant policies, observe social ethics and business ethics, be honest and trustworthy, compete fairly, operate in line with relevant regulations, and comply with local laws and follow international norms in carrying out international economic and trade activities.
第三章 政务服务
Chapter III Government Services
第二十八条 市、区人民政府应当编制政务服务事项清单并向 社会公布,实施清单事项网上公开、网上申办、网上查询、网上投 诉和网上答复,为市场主体提供高效便捷服务。
Article 28 The municipal and district people's governments shall compile and publish a single list of government services, and shall implement whole-process online processing for government service items, including online disclosure, online application, online inquiry, online complaint and online feedback, so as to provide efficient and convenient services for market entities.
第二十九条 市人民政府应当编制全市统一的行政许可事项清 单并向社会公布。清单以内的行政许可事项,应当逐项列明事项名 称、设定依据、许可条件、许可层级、许可部门、事中事后监管措施等内容,并将办理程序、许可范围、许可条件、有效期限等纳入 办事指南。
Article 29 The municipal people's government shall compile and publish a citywide unified list of items requiring administrative approval. For the items within the list, its name, basis for its establishment, conditions for approval, approval level, department of approval, and in- process and ex-post supervision shall be specified item by item, and the processing procedures, scope of approval, conditions for approval, validity period and others shall be included in the guide for applying for such approval.
第三十条 除法律、行政法规和国务院决定规定的行政许可事 项以外,本市法规、规章原则上不再新设行政许可事项。但是,直 接关系生态环境保护、食品药品安全等公共利益的事项除外。
Article 30 In principle, no new items requiring administrative approval shall be established in the municipal regulations and rules except those stipulated by laws, administrative regulations and decisions of the State Council. However, new items may be established for matters directly related to ecological and environmental protection, food and drug safety and other public interests.
第三十一条 行政机关不得以备案、登记、注册、年检、年报、 监制、认定、认证、审定等方式变相设定行政许可事项。可以通过事中事后监管或者市场机制解决的,不得采取行政许可方式进行管 理。
Article 31 Administrative organs shall not establish items requiring administrative approval under the guise of filing, record, registration, annual inspection, annual report, supervision, recognition, certification, review and otherwise. Where the items can be managed through in- process and ex-post supervision or through market mechanisms, administrative approval shall not be adopted.
对涉及市场主体的许可事项,可以依法采取直接取消审批,或 者将审批改为备案、告知承诺等方式;推进审批服务标准化,提高 审批效率,降低市场主体办事成本。
For licensing items involving market entities, Shenzhen shall adopt methods such as directly canceling approval or changing approval to record-filing and implementing notification and commitment; push forward standardization of approval services, enhance the approval efficiency, and reduce the cost of market entities for handling such items.
第三十二条 持续优化行政许可条件,及时清理与许可目的不 相适应和非必要的行政许可条件。
Article 32 Shenzhen shall continuously improve the conditions for administrative licensing, and promptly abolish the administrative licensing conditions that are incompatible with and unnecessary for the purposes of licensing.
行政机关不得自行增设许可条件和许可环节,不得将法定许可 依据之外的非强制性标准作为行政许可的条件和依据。
Administrative organs shall not add licensing conditions or licensing procedures without authorization, and shall not take non- compulsory standards other than the statutory basis for administrative licensing as the conditions and basis for administrative licensing.
第三十三条 制定与市场主体生产经营活动密切相关的法规、 规章、规范性文件,应当充分听取相关市场主体、行业协会、商会 和企业家的意见和建议,并通过政府门户网站、网上政务平台等载 体公开征求社会意见。
Article 33 When formulating regulations, rules, and normative documents that are closely related to the production and operation of market entities, the government and relevant departments shall fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of market entities, industrial associations, chambers of commerce and entrepreneurs, and solicit public opinions through the portal websites of the government, online government service platforms and otherwise.
第三十四条 探索建立涉企政策综合协调审查机制,避免部门 间政策冲突,实现涉企政策与企业发展需要相协调,增强政策实施 效果。
Article 34 Shenzhen shall explore the establishment of a comprehensive mechanism to review and coordinate enterprise-relatedpolicies to avoid policy conflicts among departments, ensure the compliance of enterprise-related policies with the development needs of enterprises, and enhance the effect of the policy implementation.
第三十五条 完善涉及市场主体的政策信息公开发布制度。出 台与生产经营活动密切相关的法规、规章、规范性文件和符合公开 条件的政策措施,制定机关应当按照规定统一发布,并通过全市统 一的市场主体服务平台、网上政务平台、移动客户端、自助终端等 渠道予以公开。
Article 35 The public release system of policies and information concerning market entities shall be refined. The laws and regulations, rules, normative documents closely related to production and business activities on the one hand, and policies and measures that are disclosable on the other shall be introduced. The issuing organs shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, issue them in a unified manner and make them available to the public through citywide unified service platforms for market entities, online government service platforms, mobile clients, self-service terminals and other channels.
第三十六条 涉企政策应当保持连续性和相对稳定性。因形 势变化或者公共利益需要调整的,应当结合实际设置合理过渡期, 为市场主体预留必要的适应调整时间。
Article 36 Enterprise-related policies shall maintain continuity and relative stability. Where adjustments are required due to changes in thesituation or for the public interests, a reasonable transitional period shall be given in light of the actual situation to allow the market entities to have necessary time to adapt to the adjustments.
第三十七条 实行涉企政策集成服务模式,编制优惠政策清单,并在办理相关业务时予以告知。
Article 37 Shenzhen shall implement the enterprise-related policy integration service model, compile a list of preferential policies, and inform market entities of the above information when dealing with relevant businesses.
第三十八条 政务服务事项清单中依申请的事项,应当按照 要求分级分类进驻各级行政服务大厅,并按照前台综合受理、后台 分类审批、统一窗口出证的原则,实施无差别办理。
Article 38 Items in the government service list that require appilcations shall be handled at administrative service centers at municipal and district levels based on their levels and categories identified according to the requirements. All market entities shall be treated equally on the principles of unified acceptance at the front desk, classified approval at the back office, and unified issuance of certificates at the window.
探索建立政务服务首席代表制度,根据需要为市场主体提供 错时服务、全天候服务、个性化服务。
Shenzhen shall explore the establishment of the chief representative system for government services, and provide market entities with staggered, round-the-clock and personalized services as needed.
第三十九条 除法律、法规另有规定或者涉及国家秘密等情 形外,市政务服务数据主管部门负责统筹建设全市统一的一体化网 上政务服务平台,各级政务服务事项均纳入网上政务服务平台办理, 实现线上“一网通办”。
Article 39 The department responsible for government service data shall make overall planning to build a citywide unified integrated online government service platform. All government services in Shenzhen are included in the integrated online government service platform, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or involving State secrets.
第四十条 充分利用人工智能、大数据、区块链、移动互联 网等现代信息技术,推进数据共享与融合,简化办事流程;推广无 人干预自动办理模式,实现系统全联通、数据全流动,推动政务服 务事项全流程网上办理。
Article 40 Shenzhen shall make full use of modern information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and mobile Internet to boost data sharing and integration and simplify the processing procedures; shall promote automatic processing without intervention, achieve full system connection and full data flow, and enable the entire process to be handled online.
第四十一条 政务服务事项采取集中办理、就近办理、网上 办理、异地办理等方式一次申办、当场办理、限时办结,不得增设 政务服务事项的办理条件和环节。需要市场主体补正相关材料、手 续的,应当一次性告知需要补正的内容。
Article 41 The government service items shall require only one application, be handled at the time of application, and completed within a limited time by means of centralized handling, handling at the nearest place, online handling and remote handling, etc. No additional conditions or proceduress for handling government service items shall be added. The relevant departments shall notify the market entities of all materials or procedures to be supplemented, if any, at a time.
第四十二条 市、区人民政府及其相关部门应当在办理行政 许可、财政性资金使用、提供政务服务过程中推行告知承诺制。实 行告知承诺制度的具体办法和承诺书样式,由相关部门制定并向社 会公布。
Article 42 The municipal and district people's governments and relevant departments shall implement the system of notification and commitment in the process of handling applications for administrative licenses, using financial funds and providing government services. The specific measures for implementing the notification and commitment system and the form of the commitment letter shall be formulated and announced to the public by the relevant departments.
申请人在办理行政许可事项时,以书面形式承诺符合许可条 件的,许可部门可以直接作出行政许可决定。但是,直接关系公共 安全、生态环境保护和直接关系人身健康、生命财产安全的以及依 法需要当场作出行政许可决定的行政许可事项除外。
Where the applicants make commitment in writing to meet the conditions to obtain administrative license when they are handling administrative licensing items, the licensing department may directly make decision to grant administrative license, except for those directly involving public safety, ecological environmental protection and personal health, life and property safety, and those in need for granting administrative license on the spot according to the law.
申请人在办理适用告知承诺制的其他事项时,承诺符合相关 条件并提交相关材料的,应当即时办理。
Where the applicants make commitment to meet the relevant conditions and submit the relevant materials when handling other matters applicable to the notification commitment system, the application shall be approved promptly.
申请人未履行承诺的,按照相关规定依法撤销行政许可或者 相关决定,并实施相应的信用惩戒措施。
If the applicants fail to fulfill its commitment, the relevant department may revoke the administrative license or relevant decisionaccording to relevant provisions, and impose credit punishment on the applicants.
第四十三条 除实行告知承诺制的事项外,办理其他政务服 务事项时,符合规定条件的申请人欠缺的申请材料影响实质性审核 的,经申请人主动申请并签订承诺书,办理部门应当先予收件,并 一次性告知申请人需要补齐补正的材料;符合规定条件的申请人关 键性申报材料齐全且符合法定形式,非关键性申报材料有欠缺或者 存在瑕疵,不影响实质性审核的,经书面承诺在办理部门作出决定 前补齐补正的,办理部门应当先予受理。
Article 43 For government service items not covered by the notification and commitment system, where the eligible applicants fail to submit the application materials that affect substantial review, if the applicants wish to apply and sign a commitment letter, the relevant department shall accept the request first and notify the applicants of what shall be supplemented or corrected at a time; where the eligible applicants who submit complete key application materials in statutory form, but fail to submit non key application materials or submit defective non key application materials, which will not affect the substantive review, they shall commit in writing to supplement or correct the non key application materials before the relevant department makes a decision, the relevant department shall accept the application first.
第四十四条 完善政务信息归集、共享、交换和应用机制。 政务服务部门应当按照统一的规定和标准,向市、区政务数据主管 部门归集数据,实现政务数据的共享交换和开放应用。
Article 44 The mechanism for collection, sharing, exchange and application of government service information shall be improved. The government service departments shall collect data from the municipal and district departments in accordance with unified provisions and standards, so as to realize the sharing, exchange and open application of government service data.
在办理政务服务、公用事业服务事项时,应当优先应用政务 共享数据。可以通过信息共享获取的相关数据和资料,不得要求市 场主体重复提交。
In handling matters of government services and public utilities services, the shared government service data shall be used first. The market entities shall not be required to repeatedly submit the data and materials that can be obtained through information sharing.
第四十五条 推进电子印章和电子证照在政务服务、公用事 业服务领域的全面应用。市场主体在申请办理各类政务服务、公用 事业服务时可以选择使用电子营业执照和电子印章。电子印章与实 物印章具有同等效力。
Article 45 The full application of electronic seals and certificates in government services and public utility services shall be promoted.Market entities can use electronic business license and electronic seal at their own discretion in applying for all kinds of government services and public utility services. The electronic seal has the same effect as the physical seal.
第四十六条 符合法律、法规要求的电子证照、电子公文、 电子证明等电子材料,与纸质版本具有同等效力,办理机关不得要 求另行提供纸质版本。
Article 46 The electronic materials such as electronic licenses, electronic official documents and electronic certificates that meet the requirements of laws and regulations shall have the same effect as their hard copies. The relevant organs shall not require the additional submission of the hard copies.
第四十七条 涉及颁发证照的事项,应当将电子证照生成作 为业务流程正式环节;市场主体可以根据需要选择申领纸质证照, 与电子证照同步签发。
Article 47 For matters relating to the issuance of license, the generation of electronic license shall be taken as an official procedure in the business process; the market entities can apply for physical license according to their needs, together with electronic license.
从符合相关法律、法规要求的电子证照、电子公文、电子证 明等电子材料中提取的结构化数据可以作为政务服务和公用事业服 务数据比对的依据,比对结果可以作为业务办理的依据。
Structured data extracted from electronic materials such as electronic licenses, electronic official documents and electronic certificates that meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations can be used as the basis for comparison with government service and public utility service data, and the comparison results can be used as the basis for business handling.
第四十八条 取消没有法律、法规或者国务院决定作为依据 的证明事项;市人民政府规章、规范性文件不得设定证明事项。但是,应市场主体需求,为提供便利而开具的证明材料除外。
Article 48 The certification requirements beyond the laws, regulations and decisions of the State Council shall be abolished; the rules and normative documents of the municipal people's government shall not require submission of certification, except for the certification issued for convenience at the request of the market entities.
可以通过法定证照、法定文书、书面告知承诺、网络共享核 验、行政机关内部核查获取的证明信息,以及可以被其他材料涵盖 或者替代的证明事项,不得要求重复提供有关证明材料。
The market entities shall not be required to provide certification materials repeatedly if the relevant certification information is available in the legal certificates and licenses, legal documents, written notification and commitment, or can be verified through online sharing,and internal verification of administrative organs, or if the relevant certification requirements can be met or replaced by other materials.
第四十九条市、区人民政府及其相关部门应当严格落实国 家各项减税降费政策,积极开展宣传辅导,确保减税降费政策全面、 及时惠及市场主体。
Article 49 The municipal and district people's governments and relevant departments shall strictly implement all the national policies for reducing taxes and fees, actively carry out publicity activities and guidance, and ensure that they benefit market entities fully and in a timely manner.
海关、税务等部门应当依法保障市场主体全面充分享受各项 减税、免税、出口退税等税收优惠。
Customs and taxation departments shall, in accordance with the law, safeguard the full and comprehensive entitlement of the market entities to all tax concessions such as tax reduction, exemption and export tax rebate.
第五十条 税务、社保、医保、住房公积金等部门和机构在 确保信息安全的前提下,应当为市场主体缴纳税费提供下列便利措施:
Article 50 Departments and institutions of taxation, social security, medical insurance and housing provident fund shall, under the premiseof ensuring information security, take the following measures to facilitate the payment of taxes and fees:
(一)推动社保、医保、住房公积金等税费合并申报及缴纳, 减少市场主体缴纳次数和办理时间;
(I) promoting consolidated declaration and payment of taxes and fees for social security, medical insurance and housing provident fund to reduce the payment frequency and the time needed to complete all procedures by market entities;
(二)大力推进税费事项网上办、掌上办,拓展非接触式办 税缴费服务;
(II) vigorously promoting the online handling of tax matters, mobile handling, and extend the non-contact service of tax and fee payment;
(三)简化增值税等税收优惠政策申报程序,在法定要求外 原则上不再设置流转环节;
(III) simplifying the declaration procedures for entitlement to VAT and other preferential taxes, and in principle, not setting up circulation process beyond the statutory requirements;
(四)充分运用信息化手段,及时对市场主体进行纳税提醒 和风险提示;
(IV) making full use of information technology to timely remind market entities of tax payment and risks;
(五)推行区块链发票和缴费凭证、增值税电子专用发票以 及其他电子票据、凭证的广泛使用;
(V) promoting the extensive use of blockchain invoices and payment vouchers, value-added tax electronic special invoices, and other electronic bills and vouchers;
(六)推动智慧税收大数据建设,探索涉税服务事项异地通 办。
(VI) promoting the development of smart tax big data, and exploring the handling of tax-related matters in different places.
第五十一条 持续推进工程建设项目审批制度改革,精简审批环节和事项,压减审批时间,实现统一审批流程、统一信息数据 平台、统一审批管理体系和统一监管方式。
Article 51 Shenzhen shall continue to promote the reform of the construction project approval system, simplify the approval procedures and items, reduce the approval time, and enable a unified approval process, a unified information and data platform, a unified approval management system and a unified supervision method.
第五十二条 建立项目前期策划生成机制,实行技术审查和 行政审批分离;分类细化项目审批流程,按照投资主体、类别分别 优化审批流程,确定审批阶段和审批事项。
Article 52 Shenzhen shall establish the mechanism of pre-project planning generation, separate technological review from administrativeapproval; detail category-based project approval process, and refine the approval process, and determine the approval stage and items based on the investors and categories respectively.
第五十三条 取消房屋建筑以及市政基础设施工程施工图审 查;行政许可不得以施工图审查合格文件作为前置条件;施工报建 实行告知承诺制。
Article 53 Shenzhen shall cancel the review for the construction drawing of residential building and municipal infrastructure engineering; shall not require submission of the certificate of construction drawing review as a precondition for granting administrative license; shall implement the notification and commitment system for construction application.
第五十四条 探索工程质量潜在缺陷保险制度,推行建筑师 负责制。
Article 54 The insurance system for potential defects in project quality shall be explored and the architect accountability system shall be implemented.
第五十五条 实行工程建设项目区域评估制度。各区域管理 部门和机构应当组织开展水资源论证、交通影响评价、地质灾害危 险性评估、雷击风险评估等区域评估。区域评估结果应当向社会公 开,并作为相关部门管理依据。
Article 55 The area assessment system for engineering construction projects shall be implemented. The management department and institution of each district shall organize and carry out area assessments such as water resources demonstration, traffic impact assessment, geological disaster risk assessment, and lightning strike risk assessment, disclose the results of the area assessment to the public and take the results into consideration when relevant departments perform the management duties.
市场主体在已经完成区域评估的区域建设工程项目的,可以 不再单独开展前款相应评估、评审。
Market entities, which operate construction projects in areas that have completed area assessments, no longer need to carry out the above- mentioned assessments and review separately.
第五十六条 改革环境影响评价制度。在已经开展区域空间 生态环境影响评价的区域,根据评价结果和生态环境准入要求,制定重点建设项目环境影响审批管理名录。未列入名录的建设项目豁 免或者简化环境影响评价。
Article 56 The environmental impact assessment system shall be reformed. In areas where area spatial ecological and environmental impact assessment has been carried out, a list of environmental impact approval management of key construction projects shall be formulated according to the assessment results and the requirements for ecologicaland environmental access. Environmental impact assessments shall be exempted or simplified for unlisted construction projects.
第五十七条 建立口岸跨部门、跨区域管理协调机制,依托 国际贸易“单一窗口”,推进各环节信息互联互通,降低进出口环节 合规成本,提升跨境贸易便利化水平。
Article 57 An inter-departmental and inter-regional management and coordination mechanism of ports shall be established, and the information interconnection among all associated departments shall be promoted through the "single window" for international trade, so as to reduce the compliance cost associated with import and export procedures and enhance the cross-border trade facilitation.
口岸管理部门应当加强口岸收费目录清单管理,完善目录清 单动态管理机制、口岸收费监管协作机制和清理口岸收费联动工作 机制。收费主体应当公开收费目录和收费标准,不得在目录以外收 取费用。
The port administrative departments shall strengthen the management of the catalog of port service charges, improve the dynamic management mechanism of the directory, the supervision and cooperation mechanism of port service charge, and the linkage working mechanism for removing port service charge. The charging department shall publish the charging directory and standard and shall not charge beyond the catalog.
第五十八条 整合跨境贸易数据资源,综合利用大数据、区 块链、移动互联网等现代信息技术,为市场主体、监管部门等提供 跨境贸易综合服务。创新口岸监管和服务模式,依法减少进出口环 节审批事项和单证。
Article 58 Shenzhen shall integrate cross-border trade data resources, and comprehensively leverage big data, blockchain, mobile Internet and other modern information technologies to provide comprehensive services for market entities and regulatory departments. New port supervision and service models shall be created and adopted to reduce the number of import and export approval items and documents in accordance with the law.
第五十九条 鼓励市场主体提前申报通关,提前办理通关手 续,对于提前申报通关存在差错的,按照相关容错机制处理。
Article 59 Market entities shall be encouraged to declare at customs and go through customs clearance procedures in advance. If there is any error in the earlier customs declaration, the relevant fault tolerance mechanism shall be applicable.
第六十条 市场主体登记的住所、经营场所为纸质法律文书 送达地址。市场主体同意适用电子送达方式的,在市场主体登记服 务平台中填写的手机号、电子邮箱、传真号、移动即时通讯账号等 可以作为电子法律文书送达地址。法律、法规另有规定的除外。
Article 60 The market entities shall take its registered domicile or premises as the address for service of printed legal documents. If the market entities agree to use electronic service, its phone number, email address, fax number, mobile instant messaging account number, among others, registered on the service platform for market entities registration, may be deemed as the address for service of electronic legal documents, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.
第六十一条 市人民政府应当运用人工智能、大数据、移动 互联网等现代信息技术,为市场主体提供普惠式、智能化、便捷化 的法律风险自测服务。
Article 61 The municipal people's government shall use modern information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and mobile Internet to provide market entities with universal, intelligent and convenient legal risk self-testing services.
市发展改革、司法、商务等部门应当推动市场主体强化涉外 经营合规风险意识,支持和引导市场主体完善合规管理体系。
The municipal departments of development and reform, justice and commerce shall urge market entities to enhance their awareness of compliance risks in foreign-related operations, and support and guide market entities to improve the compliance management system.
第四章 经营环境 Chapter IV Business Environment第六十二条 行政机关、公用事业服务单位应当加强公共基 础设施规划和建设,提升公用事业服务水平,创造良好的生产经营 环境。
Article 62 The administrative organs and public utility service agencies shall strengthen the planning and construction of public infrastructure, and raise the service level of public utilities to create a favorable environment for production and operation.
第六十三条 完善公平竞争审查联席会议制度。制定市场准 入、产业发展、招商引资、招标投标、政府采购、资质标准等与市 场主体生产经营活动密切相关的政策措施,制定机关应当按照国家 相关规定开展公平竞争审查;对存在较大争议或者部门意见难以协 调一致的问题,可以提请同级公平竞争审查联席会议协调。
Article 63 The joint meeting system of fair competition review shall be improved. A fair competition review shall be conducted in accordance with relevant provisions in formulating policies and measures closely related to the production and operation of market entities, such as policies and measures on market access, industrial development, investment attraction, bidding and tendering, government procurement, and qualification standards. Matters that are greatly controversial or on which departments cannot reach a consensus shall be submitted to the joint meeting of fair competition review at the same administrative level for coordination.
对适用例外规定制定的政策措施,应当向同级公平竞争审查 联席会议报送备案。
The policies and measures formulated for applying exceptions shall be submitted to the joint meeting of fair competition review at the same administrative level for record filing. 鼓励社会第三方机构参与公平竞争审查工作。 The participation of third-party private-sector institutions in fair competition review is encouraged.
第六十四条 对涉嫌违反公平竞争审查标准的政策措施,任 何单位和个人有权举报。制定机关应当建立涉及公平竞争审查投诉 举报的受理回应机制,及时纠正、排除限制竞争的政策措施。
Article 64 Any agency or individual has the right to report any policies and measures suspected of violating the standards for fair competition review. The formulating organs shall establish a mechanism for accepting and responding to complaints and reports concerning fair competition review, and promptly correct policies and measures that exclude or restrict competition.
第六十五条 加强社会信用体系建设,建立覆盖全社会的征 信系统。持续推进政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设, 维护信用信息安全。
Article 65 A social credit system shall be built and a credit investigation system covering the whole society shall be established.The construction of government service integrity, business integrity, social integrity and judicial credibility shall be continuously promoted, and the security of credit information shall be safeguarded.
第六十六条 不动产登记机关应当压缩不动产登记办理时限 和优化不动产登记流程,加强与税务、公安、民政、社保等部门和 金融机构等单位的信息共享,实施不动产登记、交易和缴税并行办理,提供不动产登记信息网上查询和现场自助查询服务。
Article 66 The real estate registration organ shall reduce real estate registration time limit and improve real estate registration process, strengthen information sharing with departments of taxation, public security, civil affairs, social security and financial institutions, implement real estate registration, transaction and tax payment concurrently, provide online and on-site service for inquiry on real estate registration information.
推行不动产登记与水、电、气变更联动办理,由不动产登记 部门统一受理,一次性收取全部材料并推送至供水、供电、供气等 公用事业服务单位并联办理相关业务。
The collaborative handling of real estate registration and changes in water, electricity and gas shall be carried out. The real estate registration department shall accept a single application and collect all necessary materials at a time and forward them to public utility service agencies,such as agencies of water, electricity and gas for the parallel processing of the application.
第六十七条 市场主体在金融机构办理不动产抵押贷款的, 可以委托该金融机构办理不动产抵押登记手续,不动产登记机关应 当受理。
Article 67 When the market entities apply for real estate mortgage loan at financial institutions, they can appoint the financial institutions to go through the formalities for real estate mortgage registration, and the real estate registration organs shall accept the application.
第六十八条 鼓励市场主体引进各类高端紧缺人才,畅通人 才流动渠道,在人才引进支持政策方面对各类用人单位一视同仁。
Article 68 Shenzhen shall encourage market entities to introduce all kinds of high-end urgently needed talents, smooth the channels for the flow of talents, and treat all types of employers equally in terms of supporting policies for talent introduction.
第六十九条 实行更加开放的境外人才引进和出入境管理制 度,支持市场主体引进海外高层次人才。对引进符合条件的留学归 国人才、外籍人才、港澳台专业人才,在医疗、社保、落户、税收、 住房、子女入学等方面提供支持,为海外人才停留居留、往返签证、 出入境通关提供便利。
Article 69 A more open system for the introduction of overseas talents and the exit and entry management shall be implemented tosupport the market entities in introducing high-level overseas talents. Supports shall be provided to eligible returned overseas talents, foreign talents, and professionals from Hong Kong, Macao and from China's taiwan in terms of medical care, social security, household registration, taxation, housing, and children's schooling, and facilitation shall be provided to overseas talents for their stay and residence, round-trip visa application, and entry and exit customs clearance.
简化外籍人才来深工作手续,为外籍高层次人才和专业技术 人才提供永久居留便利,对获得永久居留资格的外国人,给予相关 市民待遇。
Shenzhen shall simplify the procedures for foreign talents to work in Shenzhen, provide permanent residence facilitation for high-level foreign talents and professional and technical talents, and give relevant citizen treatment to foreigners who have obtained permanent residence qualifications.
第七十条 人力资源保障部门应当为市场主体提供用工指导、 政策咨询、劳动关系协调等服务,引导有需求的市场主体通过用工 余缺调剂开展共享用工,提高人力资源配置效率。
Article 70 The department of human resources and social security shall provide market entities with employment guidance, policy consultation, labor relation coordination and other services, and guide market entities in need to share employment through the adjustment oflabor surpluses and shortages, so as to raise the efficiency of human resources allocation. 第七十一条 用人单位因生产经营特点不能实行法定标准工 时制度且符合特殊工时制度适用范围,经协商实行不定时或者综合 计算工时工作制度的,可以实行告知承诺制。
Article 71 Where the employers, due to the characteristics of its production and business operation, are unable to implement the legal standard working hour system and conform to the scope of application of the special working hour system, and implement the irregular or comprehensive working hour system upon consultation with the employees, they may implement the notification and commitment system.
第七十二条 简化水、电、气申报服务办理流程,实现报装 申请全流程网上办理,压减申报材料,压缩办理时限。公用事业服 务单位不得将工程规划审批和施工审批作为办理水、电、气的前置 条件;不得设置与技术规范无关等非必要前置条件。
Article 72 The application process for utilization of water, electricity and gas shall be simplified. Application for installation of water, electricity and gas meters can be completed online. Materials and time limit for application shall be reduced. The public utility service agencies shall not require the project planning approval and construction approval to be preconditions for accepting the application for use ofwater, electricity and gas; unnecessary preconditions unrelated to technical specifications shall not be set.
第七十三条 市场主体报装水、电、气需要在红线外新增配 套设施建设的,由供水、供电、供气、排水等公用事业服务单位负 责投资建设。小型市政公共服务接入工程涉及占用挖掘道路、占用城市绿地、伐移城市树木等审批事项的,实行告知承诺制。
Article 73 Where market entities need additional supporting facilities beyond the red line for use of water, electricity or gas, the public utility service agencies for water supply, power supply, gas supply and drainage shall be responsible for the investment in construction of such facilities. If a small engineering for access to the municipal public services needs to occupy and excavate roads, occupy urban green space, cut and remove city trees, etc. that are subject to approval, the notification and commitment system shall be implemented.
第七十四条 供电公用事业服务单位应当保障供电设施正常、 稳定运行,确保供电质量符合国家规定。市工业主管部门应当加强 对供电公用事业服务单位年供电可靠率的监督,建立考核机制,并 根据考核情况予以奖惩。
Article 74 The public utility service agency for power supply shall guarantee the normal and stable operation of power supply facilities and ensure that the quality of power supply conforms to national regulations. The municipal industrial department shall strengthen supervision overthe annual power supply reliability rate of the public utility service agency for power supply, establish an assessment mechanism, and grant rewards and impose punishments based on the assessment result.
第七十五条 实行行政事业性收费目录清单制度,明确收费 依据和收费标准。不得在收费目录清单之外收费,不得越权收费、 超标准收费、重复收费。收费目录清单应当向社会公开,接受社会 监督。
Article 75 A catalog system for administrative and institutional charges shall be implemented with clear charging basis and standards. Charges that are outside of the catalog, beyond the authority of relevant department and beyond the applicable standard shall not be collected. No repeated charge shall be allowed. The catalog of charges shall be announced to the public, and subject to the social supervision.
供水、供电、供气、电讯、邮政等公用事业服务单位收费应 当明码标价,减少收费环节,禁止违规收费。
The public utility service agencies for water supply, power supply, gas supply, telecommunication, and postal mail shall clearly mark the price of chargeable items, reduce charging procedures and are forbidden from charging in violation of regulations.
第七十六条 市、区人民政府应当完善政府产业用房建设运 营管理服务体系,加大供应,强化监管,引导市场合理预期,促进 产业用房租赁市场健康稳定发展。
Article 76 The municipal and district people's governments shall improve the service system for the construction, operation and management of government industrial houses, increase supply, strengthen supervision, guide the reasonable market expectation, and foster the healthy and stable development of the industrial house leasing market.
第七十七条 培育和发展各类行业协会、商会,取消设立同 类行业协会的数量限制。
Article 77 Shenzhen shall cultivate and develop various types of industry associations and chambers of commerce, and lift the restriction on the number of the same type of industry association.
行业协会、商会不得干预市场主体加入或者退出;不得强制 或者变相强制收费。
Industry associations and chambers of commerce shall not interfere with the entry or exit of market entities; no compulsory or disguised compulsory collection of fees shall be allowed.
第七十八条 鼓励国际性产业和标准组织将住所设在深圳, 取消其申请成立登记时业务主管单位的前置审批,简化注册流程, 允许其在全球范围内吸纳会员,并参照相关规定管理。
Article 78 International industry and standard organizations are encouraged to settle down in Shenzhen; the pre-approval by the competent agency for incorporation registration shall be canceled; theregistration process shall be simplified; the organizations shall be allowed to absorb new members worldwide and manage them by reference to relevant provisions.
第七十九条 除法律、行政法规或者国务院决定另有规定外, 不得要求市场主体通过中介服务机构代办行政许可、产业补贴、政 府采购、招标投标、公用事业服务等事项,行政机关不得指定或者 变相指定中介服务机构。
Article 79 Unless otherwise provided for by laws, administrative regulations or decisions of the State Council, market entities shall not be required to handle matters through intermediary service institutions, such as administrative licensing, industrial subsidies, government procurement, bidding and tendering, and public utility services, and the administrative organs shall not designate or designate in a disguised manner an intermediary service institution for them.
中介服务机构应当明确办理前款中介服务事项的条件、流程、 时限、收费标准,并向社会公开。
The intermediary service institutions shall clarify and publish to the public the conditions, procedures, time limits, and charging standards for the aforesaid intermediary services.
第八十条 行政机关对符合资质条件的评估机构作出的评估 认证结果应当互通互认,不得要求市场主体重复评估。
Article 80 The administrative organs shall share and recognize the evaluation and certification results concluded by the eligible evaluation institutions, and shall not require market entities to repeat the evaluation.
第五章 融资便利
Chapter V Financing Facilitation
第八十一条 支持金融机构拓展金融市场新功能,完善创业 创新金融服务平台,为市场主体提供综合金融服务。
Article 81 Financial institutions shall be supported to expand new functions of the financial market, refine financial service platforms for startup and innovation, and render comprehensive financial services to market entities.
国家驻深金融监管机构和市地方金融监管部门应当加强对金 融机构在金融服务方面的指导和监督,完善资本监管、行为监管、 功能监管方式,提高金融服务水平。
The national financial regulatory institutions in Shenzhen and the local municipal financial regulatory departments shall strengthen the guidance for and supervision over financial institutions in terms of financial services, improve the ways of capital supervision, behavior supervision and functional supervision, and raise the level of financial services.
第八十二条 市、区人民政府及其相关部门应当推动利用人 工智能、大数据、区块链、移动互联网等现代信息技术,加强公益性融资服务平台建设,为市场主体提供线上化、智能化、批量化投 融资对接服务。
Article 82 The municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments shall spur the use of modern information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and mobile Internet and strengthen construction of financing service platform for public interest to provide market entities with online, intelligent and mass investment and financing matchmaking services.
第八十三条 支持商业银行探索符合市场主体创新创业、生 产经营需求的授信准入、风险评级、审查批准和贷后管理制度模式, 提高市场主体信贷管理水平。
Article 83 Commercial banks shall be supported to explore institutional models of loan facility access, risk rating, review and approval, and post-lending management that meet the needs of market entities for innovation, startup, production and operation, so as to improve the level of credit management of market entities.
第八十四条 支持小额贷款公司、融资担保公司、融资租赁 公司、商业保理公司等地方金融机构按照相关规定开发特色金融产 品和服务,为市场主体提供融资便利。
Article 84 Local financial institutions, such as small-amount loan companies, financing guarantee companies, financial leasing companies and commercial factoring companies, shall be supported in developingcharacteristic financial products and services in accordance with relevant regulations and providing financing facilitation to market entities.
第八十五条 税务、银保监部门和银行业金融机构应当加强 合作,将市场主体纳税信用转化为融资信用,发挥纳税信用信息在 普惠金融体系中的重要作用。
Article 85 Tax departments, banking and insurance regulatory departments and banking financial institutions shall strengthen cooperation, transform the tax payment credit of market entities into financing credit, and give full play to the important role of tax payment credit information in the inclusive financial system.
第八十六条 鼓励征信机构和信用评级机构发展,支持依法 收集利用政务信息等数据资源,提升征信服务和信用评级水平。
Article 86 Shenzhen shall encourage the development of credit standing investigation institutions and credit rating institutions, support the collection and use of government service information and other data resources in accordance with the law to raise the level of credit standing investigation services and credit rating.
第八十七条 商业银行等金融机构开展贷款业务时不得实施 下列行为:
Article 87 Commercial banks and other financial institutions are not allowed to perform any of the following actions in granting loans:
(I) setting unreasonable conditions for granting credit facility;
(II) setting discriminatory threshold for private enterprises, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises;
(III) reaching a compulsory agreement on converting part of the enterprise's loans into deposits;
(IV) taking deposits as a precondition for the approval and disbursement of loans.
第八十八条 金融机构应当按照国家相关规定规范收费行为, 提高服务收费透明度,不得违规向服务对象收取不合理费用或者变相收费。
Article 88 Financial institutions shall, in accordance with the relevant national regulations, standardize their collection of fees and enhance the transparency of service fees, and shall not illegally charge the service recipients unreasonable fees or fees in a disguised form.
第八十九条 实行统一的动产和权利担保登记制度,实现市 场主体在统一平台上办理动产和权利担保登记。市场主体办理动产 担保登记,可以对担保物进行概括性描述。
Article 89 A unified registration system for guarantee of movables and rights shall be implemented to enable market entities to handleregistration for guarantee of movables and rights on a unified platform. When the market entities handle the registration of movable guarantee, they may give a general description of the guaranty.
动产担保双方当事人可以约定担保权益涵盖担保物本身及其 未来的产品、收益、替代品等资产。
The parties to a movable guarantee may agree that the security interest covers the guaranty itself and their future products, earnings, substitutes and other assets.
Efforts shall be made to promote the establishment of a guarantee disposal platform to facilitate creditors' realization of their security interests.
第九十条 市人民政府可以建立知识产权质押投融资风险补 偿机制,为符合条件的知识产权质押投融资失败项目提供一定比例 的补偿。
Article 90 The municipal people's government may establish a compensation mechanism for the risks of intellectual property pledge investment/financing to provide a certain proportion of compensation for the eligible projects whose intellectual property pledge investment/financing fails.
第九十一条 支持商业银行增加对民营企业、中小微企业的 信贷投放,建立小微企业服务绿色通道,合理增加中长期贷款和信 用贷款支持,缩短贷款审批时间。
Article 91 Commercial banks shall be supported in increasing credit supply to private enterprises and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, establishing a green services channel for small and micro- sized enterprises, reasonably increasing support for medium and long- term loans and credit loans, and shortening the time of loan approval.
第九十二条 鼓励金融机构开展小额贷款保证保险业务,充 分发挥保险增信功能,为民营企业、中小微企业提供融资支持。鼓励金融机构大力发展保函业务,协助企业以保函替代现金缴纳涉企 保证金。
Article 92 Financial institutions shall be encouraged to conduct the small loan guarantee and insurance business, give full play to the credit enhancement function of insurance, and provide financing support for private enterprises, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Financial institutions shall be encouraged to vigorously develop the letter of guarantee business, and assist enterprises to use letter of guarantee instead of cash to pay enterprise-related margin.
第九十三条 支持和鼓励符合条件的民营企业、中小微企业 依法采用发行股票、债券以及其他融资工具,扩大直接融资规模。
Article 93 Eligible private enterprises, micro, small, and medium- sized enterprises shall be supported and encouraged to expand the scale of direct financing through issuing stocks, bonds and other financing instruments according to law .
第九十四条 健全地方财政支持市场主体发展机制,采用银 行贷款风险补偿、融资担保风险分担等方式加强对中小微企业融资支持。
Article 94 The mechanism for local finance to support the development of market entities shall be improved to step up financing support for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises by means of bank loan risk compensation and financing guarantee risk sharing.
鼓励政策性融资担保、再担保机构与商业性融资担保机构合 作开展中小微企业融资担保业务。
Policy-related financing guarantee institutions and re-guarantee institutions shall be encouraged to cooperate with commercial financing guarantee institutions in developing financing guarantee businesses for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.
第九十五条 促进与港澳金融市场互联互通和金融产品互认, 探索拓宽创新跨境金融业务。
Article 95 Mutual financial market access and mutual recognition of financial products in Hong Kong and Macao shall be promoted.Innovative cross-border financial businesses shall be explored and expanded.
第六章 规范监管
Chapter VI Standardized Supervision
第九十六条 行政机关应当构建以信用为基础的新型监管机 制,创新监管方式,形成行政监管、行业自律、社会监督、公众参 与的综合监管体系。
Article 96 Administrative organs should construct a new type of credit-based supervision mechanism, innovate supervision models, and develop a comprehensive supervision system featuring administrative supervision, industry self-discipline, social supervision and public participation.
第九十七条 市、区人民政府应当对新技术、新产业、新业 态、新模式实行包容审慎监管,区分不同情况制定相应的监管规则和标准。
Article 97 The municipal and district people's governments shall exercise supervision over new technologies, new industries, new forms of business and new models in an inclusive and prudential manner, and formulate differentiated regulatory rules and standards under different circumstances.
推进人工智能、大数据、区块链、移动互联网等现代信息技 术的智能监管方式应用,推行远程监管、移动监管、预警防控等非 现场监管。
Efforts shall be made to promote the application of intelligent supervision by modern information technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and mobile Internet, and off-site supervision such as remote supervision, mobile supervision, early warning and control shall be implemented.
第九十八条 行政机关应当根据不同领域特点、风险等级和 市场主体信用水平采取分类监管措施。对一般领域全面实行“双随 机、一公开”监管模式,随机抽取检查对象、随机选派执法检查人 员、抽查情况以及查处结果及时向社会公开。对重要领域依法依规 实行全覆盖的重点监管,但是,应当严格控制重点监管事项数量, 规范重点监管程序。
Article 98 Administrative organs shall take differentiated supervision measures based on the characteristics of different fields, risk level and credit standing of market entities. The businesses within the general field are subject to the "Double Randoms, One Open" supervision model, under which, both the inspection objects and law enforcement inspectors will be selected randomly, while the information regarding the random selection and the results of the investigation and punishment will be disclosed to the general public in a timely manner.The businesses within the key fields are subject to full-coverage special supervision in accordance with the law, but the number of key regulatory matters shall be strictly controlled and the key supervision procedures shall be standardized.
The abovementioned key regulatory matters and specific measures shall be formulated by Municipal People's Government.
第九十九条 推进行政机关之间监管标准互通、执法信息互 联、处理结果互认,严禁多头执法、越权执法、过度执法。同一部 门的日常监督检查原则上应当合并进行;不同部门的日常监督检查 能够合并进行的,由本级人民政府组织相关部门实施联合检查。
Article 99 Efforts shall be made to promote the exchange of regulatory standards among different administrative organs, the interconnection of law enforcement information and mutual recognition of processing results. It is prohibited to perform duplicate law enforcement, overstep the authority to enforce the law, and perform excessive law enforcement. The routine supervision and inspection by the same administrative department shall in principle be integrated as a one-off inspection; if the routine supervision and inspection by different departments can be integrated as a one-off inspection, the people's government at the same level shall organize such an integrated inspection by different departments.
第一百条 坚持处罚与教育相结合。行政机关应当优先采取 说服教育、劝导示范、行政指导等手段纠正违法行为。
Article 100 A combination of punishment and education shall be adopted. Administrative organs shall give priority to the use of persuasion and education, demonstration, administrative guidance and other effective means to correct illegal acts.
对市场主体违法情节较轻且能主动消除、减轻危害后果的或 者教育劝导后予以纠正的违法行为,应当依法从轻、减轻行政处罚。 对违法行为轻微并及时纠正,没有造成危害后果的,依法免予行政 处罚。
Administrative punishment shall be mitigated in accordance with the law provided that the offense is minor, or the market entity is willing to actively eliminate or mitigate the consequences of harm, or the illegal act is corrected after education and persuasion. If violation of the law is minor and has been corrected in a timely manner, without causing harmful consequences, the concerned market entity shall be exempt from administrative punishment in accordance with the law.
第一百零一条 法律、法规规定处罚幅度的,行政机关应当 依法制定行政处罚自由裁量的具体标准,并及时向社会公布;未制 定行政处罚自由裁量具体标准的,不得实施处罚。行政机关应当对 行政处罚自由裁量的具体标准进行动态管理,并结合实际及时依法 修订、废止。
Article 101 Where laws and regulations provide for the extent of punishment, the administrative organs shall, in accordance with the law, formulate specific standards for the discretion over administrative punishment and timely disclose the information to the general public. If no specific criteria for the discretion over administrative punishment have been formulated, the punishment shall not be imposed at all. The administrative organs shall manage the specific standards for discretion over administrative punishment and revise or abolish them in a timely manner in accordance with the actual situation.
第一百零二条 行政机关采用非强制手段和措施可以达到行 政管理目的,不得实施行政强制措施。
Article 102 Coercive administrative measures shall not be implemented if an administrative organ could achieve administrative purposes by adopting non-coercive means and measures.
行政机关不得随意采取行政强制措施要求市场主体配合实施 行政管理。除法律、法规另有规定外,不得采取要求公用事业服务 单位停止供水、供电、供气等方式促使市场主体履行相关行政决定。
Administrative organs shall not arbitrarily take coercive administrative measures requiring market entities to cooperate with the implementation of administrative management. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, public utility service agencies shall not be required to stop supplying water, electricity and gas to force market entities to implement relevant administrative decisions.
第一百零三条 行政机关可以采取下列方式指导、提示市场 主体依法合规经营:
Article 103 Administrative organs may guide and prompt market entities to operate in compliance with the law by:
(1) issuing general guidance or making specific guidance recommendations;
(2) formulating and releasing model texts of various contracts;
(三)对于市场主体容易疏漏的相关事项,通过发送提示信 函等方式进行提醒;
(3) reminding market entities of administrative matters that can be easily overlooked through sending a prompt letter and other methods;
(4) persuading or making an inquiry into the market entities that have committed illegal acts. 行政机关不得强制市场主体采用前款合同示范文本或者强制 约谈企业负责人。
The administrative organ shall not force market entities to adopt the model text of the contract in the preceding paragraph or to force the person in charge of the enterprise to personally appear at the inquiry.
第一百零四条 行政机关依法对市场主体实施失信惩戒的, 应当根据法律、法规规定制定失信惩戒具体办法,明确认定依据、 标准、程序、异议申诉和退出机制,按照失信主体违法违约行为的 性质、情节和社会危害程度分级、分类规定惩戒措施,并向社会公 布。
Article 104 Where an administrative organ implements a disciplinary action for breach of trust against a market entity in accordance with the law, it shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, formulate specific measures for punishment for breach of trust, clearly identify the basis, standards, procedures, objections and exit mechanisms, and prescribe disciplinary measures according to the nature, circumstances and degree of social harm of breach of trust and corresponding disciplinary actions, and disclose these information to the general public.
实施失信联合惩戒应当严格依照法律、法规、规章和国家相 关规定进行。
The implementation of joint punishment for breach of trust shall be performed in strict accordance with laws, regulations, rules and relevant national provisions. 第七章 权益保障 Chapter VII Protection of Rights and Interests.
第一百零五条 依法平等保护各类市场主体的财产权及其他 合法权益,保护企业经营者人身和财产安全。
Article 105 Efforts shall be made to equally protect the property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of all types of market entities , and personal and property safety of business operators in accordance with the law.
除国家利益、公共安全等紧急情况外,禁止以任何形式向市 场主体进行财力、物力或者人力摊派。
Financial, material or human apportionment to market entities in any form is prohibited, except for emergencies concerning national interests, public safety and others.
第一百零六条 加大对中小投资者权益保护力度,完善中小 投资者权益保护机制,保障中小投资者的知情权、表决权、收益权 和监督权。
Article 106 Efforts shall be made to strengthen the protection of rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors, improve the protection mechanism for rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors, and guarantee the rights of small and medium-sized investors, including the rights to know, to vote, to earnings, and to supervise.
第一百零七条 市、区人民政府及其相关部门、司法机关、 仲裁机构应当建立调解、仲裁、行政复议、诉讼相衔接的纠纷解决 机制,为市场主体提供多元化纠纷解决方式,依法公正处理涉及市场主体的各类民商事案件,有效解决生效裁判决定执行难问题,保障各类市场主体合法权益。
Article 107 The municipal and district people's governments and relevant departments, judicial organs and arbitration institutions shall establish dispute resolution mechanisms for mediation, arbitration, administrative review and litigation, provide diversified dispute resolution methods for market entities, deal fairly with all kinds of civil and commercial cases involving market entities in accordance with the law, effectively resolve the outstanding problems of arbitraments not fully executed, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all types of market entities.
第一百零八条 行政机关应当依法查处违规泄露、篡改信用信息或者利用信用信息谋取私利等行为,严格保护市场主体合法权益。
Article 108 The administrative organs shall, in accordance with law, investigate and punish acts such as illegal information disclosure, tampering with credit information or using credit information for personal gains, so as to strictly protect the legitimate rights and interests of market entities.
第一百零九条 建立健全信用信息异议制度。对市场主体提 出异议的信息,信息提供和采集单位应当在规定时限内核实并反馈结果,经核实有误的信息应当立即予以更正或者撤销,并消除不良 影响。
Article 109 A credit information objection system shall be established and improved. When handling information with market entities objection, information providers and collectors shall verify and provide feedback within the prescribed time limit, and the information verified to be incorrect shall be corrected or withdrawn immediately, and its adverse effects shall be eliminated.
第一百一十条 市场主体对行政机关作出的失信认定、失信 记录与公示、失信惩戒措施不服,认为行政机关有下列情形之一的, 可以依法申请行政复议:
Article 110 If the market entities are not satisfied with the administrative organ's decisions regarding recognition, documentation , information disclosure and disciplinary measures for breach of trust, and believe the administrative organ have performed one of the following circumstances, they may submit requests for administrative reviews according to law: (一)实施失信惩戒措施没有法律、法规和规章依据;
(1) The imposing of disciplinary measures for breach of trust is not backed by laws, regulations and rules;
(2) The facts are unclear and the evidences are insufficient;
(3) The decisions are made beyond the statutory authority of the administrative organ;
(4) The disciplinary measures for breach of trust are obviously too harsh;
(5) The administrative organ has violated other laws, regulations, and rules.
行政机关违法采取失信惩戒措施损害市场主体合法权益的, 相关部门和单位应当采取措施消除不良影响,并依法承担赔偿责任。
Where an administrative organ illegally takes disciplinary measures for breach of trust and harms the legitimate rights and interests of the market entity, relevant departments and agencies shall take measures to eliminate the adverse effects and assume responsibility for compensation in accordance with the law.
第一百一十一条 公安机关对于扰乱市场主体生产经营活动 秩序,或者侵害生产经营者人身安全、财产安全等违法行为,应当及时依法处置,保障正常的生产经营秩序。
Article 111 The public security organs shall promptly deal with illegal acts such as disrupting the order of production and business activities of market entities or undermining the personal safety andproperty safety of production operators, to ensure the normal order of production and operation.
第一百一十二条 严格依照法定程序采取查封、扣押、冻结 等措施。严格区分违法所得、其他涉案财产与合法财产;严格区分 企业法人财产与股东个人财产;严格区分涉案人员个人财产与家庭 成员财产;严格区分违法所得和合法财产。
Article 112 The public security organs must act in strict accordance with the legal procedures when taking such measures as attachment, seizure, and freezing of assets. There must be a strict distinction between illegal income, other property involved in the case and legal property; strict distinction between the property of legal persons and personal property of shareholders; strict distinction between personal property and that of family members of the persons involved; and strict distinction between illegal income and legal property.
It is prohibited to attach, seize or freeze the property of the enterprise involved in the case if the measures taken exceed the required standard and scope.
第一百一十三条 需要依法采取查封、扣押、冻结措施处置 涉案财物的,应当开具清单并送达法律文书,在法定期限内作出处 理决定。对与案件无关的财物,应当及时解除查封、扣押、冻结措施。对查封、扣押的财产,由执法机关自行保管的应当采取妥善保 管措施,不得使用或者损毁。造成损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。
Article 113 Where measures of attachment, seizure or freezing are necessary to dispose of the property involved in the case in accordance with the law, a list shall be issued and a legal document shall be delivered to inform the decision of their disposal within the statutory time limit. The attachment, seizure and freezing measures shall be lifted in a timely manner for the properties unrelated to the case. For the attached or seized properties, the law enforcement organ shall take appropriate custody measures and shall not use or destroy these properties. If any loss is caused, law enforcement organ shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.
第一百一十四条 完善涉案财物保管、鉴定、估价、拍卖、 变卖制度,依法保护当事人及其近亲属、股东、债权人等各方的合法权益。
Article 114 Efforts shall be made to improve the system of custody, appraisal, valuation, auction and sale of the property involved in the case, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and their close relatives, shareholders and creditors in accordance with the law.
第一百一十五条 加强对市场主体的司法保护,依法惩治侵 犯市场主体合法权益的违法犯罪行为。统一审判标准,提高司法审 判和执行效率,依法减少审前羁押性强制措施。
Article 115 Efforts shall be made in accordance with the law to strengthen the judicial protection of market entities and punish illegal and criminal acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of market entities. Efforts shall be made to unify trial standards, improve the efficiency of judicial trial and enforcement, and reduce pre-trial detention coercive measures in accordance with the law.
第一百一十六条 建设知识产权保护试点示范区,综合运用 法律、行政、经济、技术、社会治理等手段强化知识产权保护。
Article 116 Efforts shall be made to build a pilot demonstration area for intellectual property protection and strengthen intellectual property protection through the comprehensive use of legal, administrative, economic, technological and social governance measures.
加强知识产权司法、行政保护力度,健全知识产权行政执法 与刑事执法的衔接机制,依法严厉打击侵犯商标、著作权、专利、 商业秘密等知识产权的违法行为。
Efforts shall be made to enhance judicial and administrative protection of intellectual property rights, improve the interface between administrative and criminal enforcement of intellectual property rights, and crack down on illegal acts that infringe upon intellectual property rights such as trademarks, copyrights, patents and trade secrets in accordance with the law.
第一百一十七条 负有知识产权保护工作职责的相关部门应 当建立海外知识产权纠纷预警防范和协调解决机制,加强海外知识 产权纠纷应对指导。
Article 117 Relevant departments with responsibility for the protection of intellectual property rights shall establish mechanisms for early warning and prevention and coordinated resolution of overseas intellectual property disputes, and step up guidance on the response to overseas intellectual property disputes.
鼓励市场主体设立知识产权保护维权互助基金,提升自我维 权能力。
Market entities are encouraged to set up mutual-aid funds for the protection of intellectual property rights and enhance their ability to defend their rights.
第一百一十八条 负有知识产权保护工作职责的相关部门应 当加大对知识产权侵权行为的行政执法力度。
Article 118 Relevant departments with responsibilities for intellectual property protection shall tighten the administrative enforcement against intellectual property infringement.
对于故意侵犯知识产权情节严重的,依法适用惩罚性赔偿, 从重确定惩罚性赔偿金额。
If the circumstances of intentional infringement of intellectual property rights are grave, punitive damages shall be applied inaccordance with the law, and determine the amount of punitive damages in a more severe manner.
第一百一十九条 负有知识产权保护工作职责的相关部门应 当建立知识产权新业态保护机制,开展新型知识产权保护试点,完 善互联网信息等数字知识产权财产权益保护制度,积极探索推进互 联网、云计算、人工智能、大数据、新商业模式、体育赛事转播等 重点产业领域及其关键技术环节的知识产权保护。
Article 119 Relevant departments with responsibility for intellectual property protection shall establish a new industry protection mechanism for intellectual property rights, carry out pilot projects on protection of new types of intellectual property rights, improve the system of protection of property rights and interests of digital intellectual property rights, such as Internet information, and actively explore the promotion of intellectual property protection in key industrial areas such as the Internet, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, new business models, and sports event broadcasting, as well as their key technical links.
第一百二十条 健全商事调解机制,推动通过调解方式公正 高效解决商事争议。
Article 120 Efforts shall be made to improve the mechanism of commercial mediation to promote fair and efficient resolution of commercial disputes through mediation.
支持涉外商事调解组织发展,吸收外籍和港澳地区专业人士担任调解员,加强粤港澳大湾区商事调解业务联系与交流,为市场 主体解决涉外商事纠纷提供调解服务。
Efforts shall be made to facilitate the development of foreign- related business mediation organizations, attract overseas , Hong Kong and Macao professionals to act as mediators, strengthen business mediation exchange and communication in Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area, and provide mediation services for market entities to resolve foreign-related disputes.
第一百二十一条 鼓励行业协会、商会设立专业调解组织, 在投资、金融、证券期货、保险、房地产、知识产权、国际贸易等 领域提供调解服务。
Article 121 Industry associations and chambers of commerce are encouraged to set up professional mediation organizations to render mediation services concerning investment, finance, securities futures, insurance, real estate, intellectual property rights, and international trade.
第一百二十二条 建立律师、基层法律服务工作者、社区工 作者、志愿者参与人民调解工作机制,提高依法调解能力,高效化 解民商事纠纷。
Article 122 Efforts shall be made to establish mechanisms for lawyers, grass-roots legal service workers, community workers and volunteers to participate in people's mediation work mechanism,improve mediation capacity in accordance with the law, and effectively resolve civil and commercial disputes.
第一百二十三条 市、区人民政府及其相关部门应当推进公 共法律服务体系建设,完善市、区、街道、社区四级公共法律服务 平台,提供便捷高效、均等普惠的公共法律服务。
Article 123 The municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments shall push forward the building of public legal service systems, refine the public legal service platform at the municipal, district, street and community levels, and provide convenient, efficient and inclusive public legal services.
第一百二十四条 司法行政部门应当推动和指导法律专业机 构为市场主体提供法律咨询、合同审查、知识产权保护、股权设计、 融资、税务、劳动用工、涉外纠纷等全链条的高水平法律服务。 Article 124 The judicial administrative department shall prompt and guide professional legal institutions to provide high-level and whole-chain legal services to market entities including legal advice, contract examination, intellectual property protection, equity design, financing, taxation, labor and employment, and foreign-related disputes, etc.
推进海外法律服务平台建设,完善律师参与境外投资决策、 项目评估和风险防控的相关机制,为市场主体提供涉外法律服务。
Efforts shall be made to push forward the building of overseas legal service platforms, improve the mechanism for lawyers to participate in overseas investment decision-making, project evaluation and risk prevention and control, and render foreign-related legal services to market entities.
第八章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Legal Liability
第一百二十五条 市、区人民政府和相关部门及其工作人员违 反本条例相关规定,未依法履行职责或者侵犯市场主体合法权益的, 由相关部门责令改正;情节严重的,依法依规追究责任。
Article 125 If the municipal or district people's governments and relevant departments and their staff members violate the relevant provisions of the Regulations and fail to perform their duties in accordance with the law or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of market entities, relevant departments shall order them to make corrections; if the circumstances are serious, the liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law.
第一百二十六条 公用事业服务单位违反本条例相关规定,设 置非必要服务办理前置条件、不履行红线外配套建设的责任、未公 开收费目录清单或者违规收费的,由相关部门责令改正,依法追究 法律责任。
Article 126 If a public utility service agency, in violation of the relevant provisions of the Regulations, sets up non-essential pre- conditions for accessing its service, fails to fulfill its responsibilities for supporting construction beyond the red line, fails to disclose a catalog of charges or levies charges in violation of regulations, relevant departments shall order it to correct such acts and investigate its legal liabilities pursuant to the law.
第一百二十七条 行业协会商会、中介服务机构违反本条例 相关规定,干预市场主体加入或者退出、强制或者变相强制收费, 或者未向社会公开办理法定行政审批中介服务的条件、流程、实现、 收费标准的,由相关部门责令改正,依法追究法律责任。
Article 127 If a trade association, chamber of commerce or an intermediary service agency interferes with the entry or withdrawal of market entities, impose unreasonable charges or do so in a disguised form, or fails to publicly disclose the conditions, processes, realizations and charging standards for statutory administrative examination and approval of intermediary services to the public, the relevant departments shall order it to correct such acts and investigate legal liabilities in accordance with the law.
第一百二十八条 金融机构有本条例第八十七条、第八十八 条规定情形之一的,由相关部门责令改正;逾期不改正或者情节严重的,依照《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》相关规定给予处 罚;有违法所得的,依法没收违法所得。
Article 128 If a financial institution falls under one of the circumstances as stipulated in Articles 87 and 88 of the Regulations, the relevant departments shall order the institution to make corrections; if it fails to do so within the specified time or if the circumstances are serious, it shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Banking Supervision and Administration Law of People's Republic of China; and if there is illegal income, the illegal income shall be confiscated in accordance with the law. 第九章 附 则 Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions.
第一百二十九条 市、区人民政府及其相关部门可以根据本 条例制定具体实施办法。
Article 129 The municipal and district people's governments and their related departments may formulate specific implementation measures in accordance with the Regulations.
第一百三十条 本条例自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起施行。
Article 130 The Regulations shall take effect on January 1, 2021.